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Главная > Перечень Продуктов > Смеситель > Планетарные миксеры > Цементный миксер с приводом pto, промышленный цементосмеситель, бетономешалка производитель

Цементный миксер с приводом pto, промышленный цементосмеситель, бетономешалка производитель

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Модель: MP50~MP3000

Описание продукта

Цементный миксер с приводом pto, промышленный цементосмеситель, бетономешалка производитель

описание продукта

The planetary mixers with vertical shafts allow the rapid mixing of all types of quality concrete (dry, semi-dry and plastic). The great versatility of the mixer enables it to be used not only in the production of concrete, but also in the mixing of materials for the production of glass, ceramics, refractory materials, etc.

The gearbox unit( patent technology), specially designed for a balanced distribution of power to the various mixing device, ensures a low-noise rotation with backlash even under severe working conditions. Compared with traditional gearbox, this unit takes less space, and the mixer can enlarge 30%.

Equipped with a mechanical coupling and a hydraulic coupling (option), which can protect the transmission devices from overloads and impacts.

Ni-hard cast iron blades are more wearable. As an alternative, we also offer polyurethane blades for special requirements.

According to different materials, the liners and tiles can be cast-iron, HARDOX steel plate (Sweden original) or hard facing materials.

From optional model selection to customized mixer for special application situation, we also can offer a full range of technical support and maintenance services.
























Filling Volume(L) 75 150 375 525 750 1125 1500 2250 3000 3750 4500
Feeding Capacity(Kg) 120 240 600 790 1200 1800 2400 3600 4800 6000 7200
Compacted Concrete(L) 20 100 250 330 500 750 100 1500 2000 2500 3000
Mixing Power(Kw) 3 5.5 11 15 18.5 30 37 55 75 90 110
Mixing Star*Mixing Blade(Qty) 1*2 1*2 1*2 1*2 1*2 1*3 2*2 2*2 3*2 3*3 3*3
Side Scraper/Discgarge Scraper(Qty) 1/- 1/- 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/2 1/2 1/2
Discgarging Power(Kw) Pneumatic Discharging/Hydraulic Discharging 3 3 4 4 4
Weight(Kg) 700 1000 1800 2200 2500 3500 5500 6500 8500 10500 11000

Доступ к техническому обслуживанию
Large access facility is for easy maintenance and cleaning. The key-operated safety switch guarantees the motor cannot be powered with cover open.

Смесительное устройство
Special designed mixing facility makes the mixing faster and more homogeneous, no material heaped.

Гидравлический блок
Hydraulic unit equipped with manual pump allows the door be opened in case of electric failure.

Дверь выгрузки
The discharging door is equipped with limit switches, which can be opened at any angle. Maximun three discharging doors are available.

Смешивание локус-диаграмм
This diagrams show the perfect mixing action of the DOM planetary mixer from 6 to 60 seconds after material is added. Note that the floor is completely swept by the mixing stars’ action every 4 revolutions (6 seconds) and that each zone is covered at regular intervals in time.
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Группа Продуктов : Смеситель > Планетарные миксеры

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